Steiner Waldorf education is the fastest-growing non-denominational educational movement in the world. There are Steiner schools on every continent. Steiner education works in the suburbs of Stockholm, the thriving cities of Brazil, the townships of South Africa and in the ancient cities of Japan. It works in Cambridge too!
Steiner education is based on profound insight into the child’s developmental, age-specific needs and capabilities. Founded by Rudolf Steiner, in Central Europe in 1919, Steiner schools today are more relevant than ever.
Waldorf UK is the membership organisation for all the Waldorf Steiner schools and independent Waldorf Early Years settings in the UK and Ireland.
The Freunde Waldorf is an international site linking Waldorf projects across the globe.
A report was published in 2005 called "Steiner Schools in England" by Philip Woods, Martin Ashley and Glenys Woods of the University of West of England, Bristol. One of the recommendations in this report is quoted below and could be taken as a summary of some of the differences between Steiner and maintained-sector approaches to education:
"Government, LEAs, maintained and Steiner schools and the SWSF to explore the potential of the following to inform practice in maintained schools:
The Cambridge Primary Review is an independent enquiry into the condition and future of primary education in England. It is based at the University of Cambridge, supported by Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and directed by Professor Robin Alexander. One recommendation of the review is for school education (not Early Years/kindergarten) to start at age 6. This is exactly what happens at a Steiner school.
In this section of the website you will find articles relating to Steiner education from the press in the form of newspaper cuttings and online articles.
You are your Child’s First Teacher Rahmina Baldwin Darcy (Hawthorn Press)
The Incarnating Child Joan Almon (Hawthorn Press)
School as a Journey Torin M. Finser (Steiner Books)
The Education of the Child Rudolf Steiner (Steiner Books)
Education Towards Freedom Frans Calgren (Floris Books)
Waldorf Education Christopher Clouder (Floris Books)
All Year Round Ann Druitt, Christine Fynes-Clinton (Hawthorn Press)
Games Children Play Kim Brooking-Payne (Hawthorn Press)