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School Proprietor 

Joel Chalfen

Contact through the school office or email -

School Lead Roles

The school does not operate with a Headteacher role; Instead, Waldorf Cambridge operates a model of distributed leadership. Roles and responsibilities are distributed to members of staff or mandated groups based on skills and experience. 

Overall responsibility areas are appointed as follows - 

Teaching and Learning Lead (registered as Headteacher for the Department of Education and other government bodies) - Tina Hobday. Email -

Pastoral Lead and Designated Safeguarding Lead - Charlotte Burdett. Email -

SENDCo and inclusion - Anita Hempenius. Email -

Early Years Manager - Irena Baruch. Email -

Bursar - Tina Hobday. Email -

HR manager and Premises manager - Tara Livermore. Email -

Board of Trustees 

The trustees are accountable in law for all major decisions regarding the school and for its overall strategic direction. They have a duty to - 

  • Determine the vision and the strategic direction of the school
  • Ensure the school meets its statutory requirements
  • Ensure the financial stability of the school
  • Know the strengths and weaknesses of the school
  • Provide support and challenge to the leadership of the school

The board currently operates three committees: Finance and Resource Management; Care and Compliance and Teaching and Learning. Each trustee has their appointed area of responsibility and may sit on one or more committee. Committees meet termly and the full board meets termly to review policies, receive committee reports and sign off on key administrative tasks.

The Trustees currently also constitute the Board, and hence are elected by the School Association.

Members of the board

Joel Chalfen (chair)(parent), Richard Nobles (external), Claire Barlow (external), Anya Kingsley (external), Julian Rolton (external), Thierry Clerc (parent), Barley Woodcock (parent). 

The Chair of Trustees can be contacted through the school office or at

Current committee membership

Finance and Resource Management: Richard Nobles (Chair), Thierry Clerc, Barley Woodcock, Joel Chalfen

Care and Compliance: Claire Barlow (Chair), Barley Woodcock, Anya Kingsley

Teaching and Learning: Joel Chalfen (Chair), Anya Kingsley, Julian Rolton, Claire Barlow

Link Trustee roles

Concerns and Complaints - Richard Nobles 

Safeguarding - Anya Kingsley

Health and Safety - Claire Barlow


The school was established in 1993 by the Cambridge Steiner School Project, a charitable company limited by guarantee, known as the School Association. Membership of the Association is open but any application must be countersigned by two existing members. Membership affirms subscription to the Articles of Association (download below) and carries a liability of £1 should the Association be wound up.

The trustees account to the School Association at its Annual General meeting (AGM) where they submit a report on the activities of the previous year and circulate the year’s audited accounts. Any trustees appointed during the year need to have their appointment confirmed at the AGM, and any trustee who seeks re-appointment at the end of their three-year term may be replaced by an alternative elected at the AGM. The School Association, at its AGM, or an Extraordinary General Meeting (called by two members) may (subject to the limitations of Company and Charity law) pass a resolution instructing the trustees on the conduct of future business. Through a special resolution (passed by 75% of the entire membership) the School Association may amend the Articles of Association of the School.

Articles of Association are available for download below.