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Waldorf Cambridge's previous inspections can be found on the Ofsted website here - 

Please note the school changed name from Cambridge Steiner School to Waldorf Cambridge in December 2024 to align with the rebranding of Waldorf UK and European naming of Steiner Waldorf schools. 

Our previous inspection found that we provide a happy, caring, and healthy environment for all our pupils. The experiences and learning we create allow each individual to be who they are and prepare them to become the person they aspire to be, while recognising the individuality of others in an inclusive and conscientious manner. 

We are pleased that these qualities are recognised in the 2022 Ofsted Inspection Report which states that the Overall School Effectiveness is Good. This is a significant improvement on the 2019 Inspection Report.

Pupils at Waldorf Cambridge (previously Cambridge Steiner School) enjoy the rich, broad and immersive experience of a Steiner Waldorf Curriculum, which encompasses the creative arts and academic pursuits linked to the child's developmental age. Curiosity, artistry, and connection are at the heart of all we do. The combination of a happy and secure school experience together with a curriculum that inspires and enthuses, enables each person to develop their creative individuality and agency to become free-thinking adults ready to play their part in making a better society for all.

Ofsted Statements 2022:

Overall Effectiveness | Good
The Quality of Education | Good
Behaviour and Attitudes | Good
Personal Development  | Good
Leadership and Management Good
Early Years Provision | Good 

Behaviour & Relationships 

  • Pupils at Cambridge Steiner School value and respect individuality.
  • Pupils’ good behaviour contributes to the school’s calm and happy atmosphere
  • Pupils say that being kind to everyone is ‘just what we do’.
  • Pupils are well mannered and respectful. They listen to adults and each other. 
  • They [pupils] say that adults deal with any concerns they may have effectively.
  • Pupils develop a mature knowledge of different faiths, lifestyles and cultures, and about the importance of tolerance and acceptance.


  • Pupils enjoy a rich, creative and broad curriculum
  • Their [pupils] learning is closely linked to the outside environment.
  • Pupils develop a love of reading
  • All pupils, including those with SEND, learn well in a wide range of subjects
  • They [pupils] show enthusiasm for new learning and their studies
  • They [pupils] articulate their views clearly, sensitively and confidently. 


  • Teachers are well trained and deliver learning expertly
  • They [Teachers] check pupils’ understanding routinely, so that they can adapt learning to pupils’ individual needs
  • As pupils get older, they develop skills and comprehensive knowledge
  • Pupils understand how their learning connects together

Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)

  • Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are given well thought-out support to access the curriculum. 

Parent/Carer Voice

  • Parents and carers say that it is a school where their children thrive and can be ‘who they are’

Leadership, Management & Governance 

  • School leaders have made significant improvements in provision since the previous inspection
  • They have improved the quality of education, and they have strengthened leadership capacity across the school
  • Leaders have developed a curriculum that is creative, rich and inclusive.


  • There is a strong safeguarding culture within the school.