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Upper School

Upper School is for young people aged 14-16 years.

The Class 9 child’s powers of intellect continue to develop and, with this, their power of analysis and judgement. At a time when their lives may feel insecure and unstable, the curriculum provides content that supports pupils orientating themselves and finding balance. Judgements are usually made based on emotional responses. Often polarised in their views, and almost self-centred in their thoughts, the opposites of autonomy and belonging, needing support and authority, provide conflict in the teenagers. Part of finding balance is exploring the extremes. Examining the polarities of natural environments, historical context and black and white contrast in art all help pupils to think more deeply about the world and therefore beyond themselves.

Examples of curriculum content – Biology (Ecology and Forestry), Chemistry (Alcohols and distillation), Physics (Energy and Renewables), Modern History, Physical Geography, Permutations and Combinations, Geometry, Black and white contrast, Woodwork, History of Drama.

The Class 10 pupil continues to seek and develop balance and harmony. This, with a greater clarity of thought and an increasing ability to form balanced judgements, supports young people have greater stability and a capacity for reflexion. A desire for knowledge broadens into, not only information about a topic, but also insight in how we know, and how things came to be as they currently are. Pupils are increasingly able to form more balanced opinions and justify their thought processes, meeting situations with empathy and practicality rather than solely emotionally.

Examples of curriculum content – Biology (Embryology), Chemistry (Minerals and salts), Physics (Forces, Vectors and Motion), Astronomy, Poetry, Earth's structure, Algebra – quadratics, Projective Geometry, the development of human consciousness.

Subject lessons include - Art, Woodwork, Handwork, Combined Science (GCSE preparation), Maths (GCSE preparation), English Language and Literature (GCSE preparation), Games and Sport, Learning for Life (PSHEE). 


A School Day

8:15 - 8:30 - Arrive at school, settle into class with class guardian

8:30 - 8:45 - Registration and catch up

8:45 - 10:15 - Subject lessons

10:15 - 10:45 - Break time

10:45 - 12:45 - Main Lesson blocks of 3 or 4 weeks on a topic or subject

12:45 - 13:30 - Lunch time

13:30 - 15:00 - Subject lessons